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GFC Hair Treatment
By 17 Jul
Everyone knows the importance of scalp hair. It's not just biologically essential but thinning hair impacts a person mentally and emotionally as well. A person with good hair is always remembered by people for a long time. Not everyone has…...
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By 20 May
Hair loss can begin at any stage of one's life and can impact any body part, like eyebrows, eyelashes and majorly scalp. Hair loss certainly affects a person in numerous ways, physically as well as psychologically. Since it affects people…...
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By 14 Sep
Telogen effluvium is a situation that occurs when there is a reduction in the density of those hairs that are growing. In simple terms, it is hair loss occurring from stress, hormonal changes, or any critical life event. It is…...
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By 14 Sep
Our appearance isn’t just determined by how our face looks; hair plays a role too. Full, thick, luscious locks, now who wouldn’t want them. Yet, as we age or due to hormonal changes, genetics, and certain medications our hair starts…...
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By 14 Sep
[ez-toc] Everything you wanted to know about Alopecia Areata: Are you worried about hair fall? Did you see lots of hair on your pillow or hair brush? And hair falls from a certain small area of head or beard, may…...
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By 14 Sep
What is PRP? It’s Platelet Rich Plasma. With a better explanation, if you take 1 ml blood, it has 90 % RBCs, 6% WBC and remaining only around 3 to 4 % has platelets. So, what happens in prp is the…...
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By 14 Sep
We all face hair problems in certain period of time. And we tend to have many suggestion and apply them eagerly who knows which suits you. But, you also realizes that it increases the problem sometimes. When you are repeatedly…...
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By 14 Sep
PRP Therapy: Hair Loss Treatment PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy is amongst the latest invention (in use since the 1980s). And for hair loss treatment it is a relatively new approach which involves 3 steps medical treatment to promote hair growth.…...
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By 14 Sep
FUE hair transplant or follicular unit extraction or follicular transfer is one of the two primary methods undertaken to obtain hair follicles for hair transplantation. This surgical treatment is a solution to hair loss in men mostly. FUE is not…...
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By 13 Sep
Have you ever thought that why your hairs are falling out? Hair loss is a difficult phase to counter in life nowadays for men, women or even children which can be due to several reasons that are simple and temporary…...
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