

At Sakhiya Skin Clinic, we provide VASER liposuction in Surat. This exclusive form of liposuction is superior to traditional liposuction and uses the latest technology.

VASER Liposuction, is also known as Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, uses ultrasound technology to disrupt the bonds between fat cells, making them easier to precisely remove. This form of body sculpting is both delicate and yes its much effective. The ultrasound technology of VASER Liposuction allows Dr. Jagdish Sakhiya to disrupt the fatty tissues without bothering the underlying muscles or damaging healthy tissues of the body.

Many Gujarati men find this procedure desirable as it can help the muscles in their abdomen pop out, while women typically enjoy the precision of the contouring approach that allows them to make small and impactful changes to their figure and many body areas.

Body areas that can undergo VASER Liposuction:

– Arms
– Chest
– Double Chin
– Six Pack
– Waistline, Stomach & Love Handles
– Back, Thighs & Buttocks

Looking in the mirror, you see that even after all that time working out at the gym and extreme diet planning, the weight never lowers.

 That little bit of stubborn, extremely resistant fat just refuses to fly away.

 We get frustrated that it feels like it will never change. We have heard a lot about VASER Liposuction.

Benefits of Vaser Liposuction:

– Minimally invasive

– Promotes skin tightening

– No damage to surrounding tissue or nerves

– The most precise technique available

– Short recovery time after VASER Lipo

Ideal candidates who can undergo Vaser Liposuction:
– A healthy individual;

– The person who is slightly above their ideal weight; and
– The one who has isolated areas for fat reduction. 

If you haven’t been able to erase that last bit of fat through your dedicated diet and exercise, then VASER Liposuction could be the best and the most perfect option for you.  

VASER Liposuction is appropriate for people who are trying to spot-treat fat deposits and reveal muscle tone underneath the skin layer. 

Description And Symptoms
Effects/ Causes

Liposuction method is used by the cosmetic practitioners so as to eradicate the pockets of excess fat targeting a particular region or part of the body. So for those people who have a nice body and just one portion doesn’t go well or hinders, the complete structure of body liposuction proves to be a singular and transcendent option. Liposuction is also known as Body Contouring and it can treat many body parts like- buttock, legs, arms, knees, breasts. It cannot be misunderstood as a substitute for diet or obesity.


  • Over Weight.
  • Excess of fat in any part of the region.
  • Distortion of the body structure.
  • Body bulges that cannot be corrected with diet or exercise.

Liposuction method itself is an operative procedure which includes a few steps that are needed to be considered

1. INITIAL CHECK UP: Firstly the initial check-up is conducted and then physical tests and physical consultation is conducted.

2. ANESTHESIA: Then after the checkup patient is made ready for the operation, there are many options for anesthesia like general and local. Depending on the patient’s level, the type of anesthesia is decided and injected.

3. INCISION: Then the incision is made and with the help of cannula, a tool used for sucking fat and so the excess fat is removed.

4. FINAL RESULT: After the procedure, the contoured body is seen. Liposuction may or may not require hospital stay depending on personal condition, but after the procedure swelling and little pain can be felt.

Liposuction has shown its efficacy for almost every individualized part of the body. It has proved to be aesthetically and functionally pre-eminent cosmetic surgery. Liposuction is also done in combination with other cosmetic procedures like – Breast Reduction, Tummy tuck. However, after the surgery special care has to be taken otherwise there may be the possibility of returning of fatty bulges.

1. Excess fat

2. Improved standard of living

3. It boosts the self-confidence and self-esteem

4. Reduction of cellulite


1. Bruising

2. Scars

3. Numbness

4. Swelling

5. Pain and scars

6. Limited Mobility

Wearing Pressure or compression garment so as to tighten the skin and reduce the swelling but this can hinder the movement.


Lipoplasty is done basically to reduce specific portions of the body It is also done due to treating:

  • Excessive and benign fatty tissues
  • Fat metabolism problems
  • Excessive sweating

What is the recovery time of Liposuction?

Typically, healing varies based on the amount and location of fat removed. On average, it takes about six months for complete recovery. During the initial six weeks, it's essential to prioritize rest and limit physical activities to support healing.

When can I return to regular activities?

Most individuals can return to light activities within a week and resume more strenuous activities within a few weeks. Discuss with your medical professional to know when you can return to work according to the area of treatment.

Will Liposuction leave any scars?

Scars are a natural outcome of liposuction. Your provider will offer guidance on minimizing visible scarring during your healing process. Fortunately, most post-surgery scars are small in size.

Can fat come back after liposuction?

While fat cells removed during liposuction do not return, it's essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent new fat deposits from forming. However, please note that liposuction do not prevent future weight gain and isn't a solution for obesity.

When can I see the results?

Following the procedure, some swelling and fluid retention are common. Your enhanced body shape will become more evident as these diminish. Typically, it takes three to six months for swelling to completely subside, revealing the final results.

Is there any need for additional procedures?

Generally, liposuction gives satisfying results, and a second procedure isn't necessary unless you decide to make further cosmetic changes in the future. Liposuction is permanent, but it's important to remember that weight gain is still possible after the surgery.

Who is the ideal candidate for Liposuction?

Good candidates for liposuction are individuals with stubborn, localized fat deposits, generally in good health, close to their ideal weight, and with realistic expectations. Liposuction is not a weight loss solution but an effective method to enhance body contours and achieve a more sculpted appearance.



*Result may vary person to person.