Vitiligo – White Patches Treatment

Vitiligo – White Patches Treatment

Vitiligo surgery is a kind of cosmetic surgery performed to treat a skin disorder called “VITILIGO” so as to match the color of the affected skin with the normal one.

Description And Symptoms
Effects/ Causes

Vitiligo is a chronic skin disorder in which the color of the skin changes to white as a result white patches appears all over the body. This skin disorder out turns the skin depigmentation and to correct it various lotions and ointment are prescribed but unfortunately at a stage for people with an extreme case of vitiligo these ointments do not work and there comes the role of “VITILIGO SURGERY”. Vitiligo surgery is a proven method to achieve complete repigmentation of the skin which has lost its color due to the disorder in the pigment called “Melanin”.


Bacterial infection’s symptoms differ from person to person like-

  • White patches
  • Skin discoloration
  • Lose of color in the tissues of the inner skin
  • Depigmentation at many places of the body like- elbow, knees, face etc.

Vitiligo surgery is an option to cure vitiligo when all other medical therapies used to go in vain and are found to be unavailing. Vitiligo surgery can be applied to any part of the body like face, legs, and elbow. In this surgery basically, the normal skin from one portion of the body is transferred and employed to the affected skin. The transfer is of melanocytes- the pigment-producing cells so that after their placement they can start incepting the color of skin back to normal.


Vitiligo surgery may apply any of the two processes:

  • Tissue/skin Grafting- It involves the transfer of normal skin rich in melanocyte tissues to the disordered part.
  • Melanocyte Transplant- In this melanocytes are obtained from the patient itself and then are enriched in the laboratory and then transplanted further.

Vitiligo surgery encompasses many benefits like:

  • Vitiligo correction with more efficacy.
  • Repigmentation is achieved back.
  • Safe easy and convenient method.
  • Colour matching results are proved good with high success rates
  • Scar formation is comparatively less
  • Non transmittable- As it does not spreads from one person to another.
  • Although being advantageous the surgery includes few complications like-
  • Rejection of graft is seen at times.
  • Hyper-pigmentation may occur.
  • Incomplete pigmentation
  • Tenacious and determined vitiligo


  • Dysfunctioning of melanocyte cells
  • Genetic event
  • Stress
  • Immune disorder
  • Viral or chronic cause
  • Due to Sunburn or cut it also occurs
  • Exposure to few chemicals that harm the skin

What is leukoderma or vitiligo, and what causes it?

Skin diseases called vitiligo or leukoderma cause sporadic, white patches to develop on various body regions as a result of melanocytes, the cells that give skin its color, being destroyed or not functioning properly. Those with dark skin tones or ethnic backgrounds, specifically Asians or Indians, are more likely to be affected by this illness. Although the exact cause of vitiligo is unknown, potential causes include viral impacts, oxidative stress, autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, and heredity.

Which types of vitiligo surgeries are available, and who may require them?

In cases where the loss of colour is apparent and the affected areas do not react favourably to regular treatments, vitiligo surgery is advised. The objective of surgery is to restore normal skin tone. There are several kinds of this procedure: Complete skin transfers: This includes techniques like suction blister grafting or punch grafting. Cell transplantations: There are several techniques, such as non-cultured melanocyte suspension transplants and cultured melanocyte suspension transplants. LA-PEEST, or laser-assisted PRP-enriched epidermal suspension transplant, is the most recent and successful one. It has achieved excellent outcomes, with 75–85% of patients getting almost complete repigmentation.

Which Vitiligo patches can be treated?

It is possible to treat stable patches that haven't spread in the previous three months. The entire body can be treated for huge white spots, including those in sensitive places like the crotch, underarms, and upper eyelids.

Is this a type of plastic surgery?

Yes, Vitiligo is a type of plastic surgery. Using skin from an unaffected area, melanocytes are used to separate the skin's epidermal layer, creating a PRP-enriched epidermal suspension that is then transplanted to the depigmented area of vitiligo.

When will I see benefits from this surgery, and how long does it take?

The time needed for the surgery depends on the size of the treated area, usually taking about 2–3 hours. After 14 days, the dressing is removed. After surgery, pigmentation can begin as soon as two weeks later, and two to three months later, repigmentation will be clearly visible.

Are there any side effects of this vitiligo surgical treatment?

For stable vitiligo, laser-assisted PRP-enriched epidermal suspension transplantation is a safe and effective treatment option. There are no serious adverse effects when the procedure is carried out by a dermatologist who is highly skilled and qualified and uses strict aseptic precautions.

Can vitiligo reoccur post-surgery?

Even though vitiligo surgery can be successful in stimulating repigmentation, recurrence is possible, particularly if the underlying cause of the condition is left untreated or if it is aggressively spreading.

Are there any age limitations for surgery to treat vitiligo?

Surgery for vitiligo can be done on patients of different ages. However, the suitability of the procedure may depend on factors such as overall health and the ability to comply with post-operative care.

Can vitiligo surgery be combined with other treatments?

To improve outcomes, vitiligo surgery may occasionally be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as topical corticosteroids or phototherapy. This combination is frequently customized to meet the needs of each patient. To know more in detail, get your consultation scheduled at SkahiyaSkin Clinic. 



*Result may vary person to person.
