

Vitiligo is a skin disease where some parts of skin lose the skin color or become depigmented. The exact cause for vitiligo is not clearly known. Also, treatment of vitiligo is not possible, one can only prevent it from increasing.

Description And Symptoms
Effects/ Causes

Vitiligo is a disease that cannot be hidden. It has distinctive white patches as the symptom where the skin loses its pigmentation. These patches may be small, to begin with, and may change their shape and increase over a period of time. These patches are generally visible on face, hands, and wrists.

The patches may be more visible around the skin surrounding mouth, eyes, nostrils and other such areas. Since the disease is easy to spot, it often leads to stigmas and boycott of patients from the society. This is due to a lack of knowledge about the disease. Vitiligo is not a communal disease- it cannot be passed on with touch or breathing. However, stigmatization may lead to depression in the patient.

Vitiligo treatment, if taken at the right time, can ensure that the disease does not increase further. A lot of methods are available for Vitiligo treatment in Surat. This includes applying some topical creams that may help to some extent. Other treatments are done by exposing the affected area to rays- laser rays, UVA rays or lightbox. When the affected area is small then laser or UVA rays can be given. When the areas are quite large then a light box may be used.

Light treatment has been successful in some of the cases. Vitiligo surgery is another method of treatment. This treatment enjoys the maximum success. However, this is usually recommended only for adults and once it is determined that the disease is stable- i.e. the vitiligo affected area is not increasing

The exact cause of vitiligo is not yet known. Multiple theories have been suggested for the cause of Vitiligo. One of the most accepted cause is the change in the immune system. Genetics and environmental reasons also have an impact in causing Vitiligo.

In a lot of cases, people suffering from Vitiligo also have autoimmune thyroid disease. Hence it is a good idea to get the thyroid gland tested. In case your thyroid levels are not within the acceptable range then also it is possible to treat it and control it at the right time. Vitiligo is a disease that needs to be controlled right at the onset to ensure that it does not increase too much and cause not so pleasing appearance.

What is vitiligo?

A long-term skin disorder called vitiligo is defined by white patches on the skin where the epidermis has lost pigment.

Why does vitiligo occur and is it spreadable?

Although the exact cause of vitiligo is unknown, a combination of environmental, autoimmune, and genetic factors is believed to be involved. Vitiligo is not communicable. It is not caused by bacteria, viruses, or any form of external infection.

Who is at risk of developing vitiligo?

Vitiligo can affect people of all races and both genders. However, it is more noticeable in individuals with darker skin. However, children and young adults under the age of 20 often have vitiligo.  In infants, depigmentation patches typically show up on the face, particularly around the mouth. Patches of vitiligo can appear on the eyelids, inside the lips, on the back of the neck, and the chest in children.

Where does Vitiligo appear?

Commonly appears on the face, hands, wrists, feet, and other body parts with high sun exposure. Most of the time, vitiligo remains in the areas that it originally affected. But sometimes it can show up in new places on your body. Additionally, even when treatment is stopped, vitiligo may still affect the same body parts.

What increases the risk of Vitiligo?

The following may increase the risk of getting affected by Vitiligo skin order - - Family history of Vitiligo - Family history of autoimmune conditions - Melanoma or non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Another autoimmune disorder - Certain gene changes

How to identify vitiligo?

The distinctive, depigmented (white) spots on the skin are indicative of vitiligo. The main signs and symptoms consist of: - White Patches: Spots on the skin that are irregular, light, or white. - Symmetrical Distribution: Usually appears as mirror images on both sides of the body. - No Pain or Itching: Most people with vitiligo don't experience any pain or itching. - Hair colour changes: premature whitening or greying of the hair on the lashes, eyebrows, scalp, and other afflicted regions. - Potential Progression: Over time, patches might grow or spread, and new patches might emerge. It's important to see a dermatologist for a correct diagnosis and, if necessary, to take treatment.

Is vitiligo treatable?

While there is no complete cure for vitiligo, there are methods to help the damaged patches regain their colour. These could include laser therapy, phototherapy, and topical corticosteroids.

What is vitiligo phototherapy?

Phototherapy is the use of ultraviolet (UV) light on the skin. In the afflicted areas, this treatment may help in stimulating the formation of pigment.

Do vitiligo treatments have any side effects?

There may be adverse consequences from some therapies, particularly those that include corticosteroids. These may include inflammation, changes in skin colour, and skin thinning.

Is sun protection important for people with vitiligo?

People with vitiligo should indeed shield their skin from the sun because the affected areas could be more vulnerable to UV rays. It is advised to wear protective clothes and, most importantly, sunscreen.



*Result may vary person to person.
