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By 24 Jul
Though pigmentation occurs on the skin, its impact is huge and can affect a person emotionally. In today’s digital age, when people are so much in front of the camera and post pictures on social media, people with discolored skin…...
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GFC Hair Treatment
By 17 Jul
Everyone knows the importance of scalp hair. It's not just biologically essential but thinning hair impacts a person mentally and emotionally as well. A person with good hair is always remembered by people for a long time. Not everyone has…...
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IV Therapy
By 10 Jul
It's essential to have a balanced diet, follow a healthy lifestyle and stay active if we want to improve the quality of our lives. It is equally correct to say that people don't have time for their well-being. They don't…...
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Laser Treatment for Dark Circles
By 2 Jul
The lifestyle of today's generation has changed drastically and their health concern has taken the backseat amidst everything. Exertion due to long hours on the laptop, late-night parties and infinite movie hauls make the dark circles under eyes even bigger…...
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Difference between hyperpigmentation and melasma
By 28 Jun
In simple terms, skin discolouration of any type like dark spots, sun damage, acne scars, age spots, or melasma is known as hyperpigmentation. On the other hand, melasma is a type of hyperpigmentation that can be caused by various reasons…...
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Dermapen Treatment
By 17 Jun
Ageing is something that is not appreciated by anybody, whether they are men or women. One can certainly not reverse the ageing process but delay the same to a certain extent. The market is full of such skincare products but…...
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By 30 May
Acne is the most common concern of people, from teenagers to adults. More than three-fourths of people from teenage to late 20s get acne and 20% of them get scars from those acne. These scars can be reduced by either…...
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By 25 May
Lip pigmentation is a situation wherein the colour of the lips changes and turns into blue, brown or slightly pink. Sometimes, the lips become shaded, darker from the boundary and lighter the rest. The skin on our body is composed…...
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By 20 May
Hair loss can begin at any stage of one's life and can impact any body part, like eyebrows, eyelashes and majorly scalp. Hair loss certainly affects a person in numerous ways, physically as well as psychologically. Since it affects people…...
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By 14 May
Who doesn't want kids-like soft, healthy and clear skin with glowing complexion?? We all do, right? But it's very difficult to get and maintain it. Various factors affect the health and texture of our skin like hormones, free radicals, high…...
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