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Archives: FAQs

By 29 Dec
Corns are thickened areas of skin that develop in response to friction or pressure. They usually form on the tops or sides of toes, but can also appear on other areas of the foot....
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By 29 Dec
The main culprit behind corns is repeated rubbing or pressure against your skin. This can come from ill-fitting shoes, repetitive work tasks, or even bone misalignment....
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By 29 Dec
For mild corns, self-care can be your best friend! Soak your feet regularly, gently exfoliate with a pumice stone, and moisturize to keep the skin soft. Over-the-counter salicylic acid pads can also help gradually dissolve the thickened skin....
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By 29 Dec
If self-care isn't helping, the corn is causing significant pain, or you have diabetes or another condition that affects foot circulation, consult a podiatrist. They can assess the corn and recommend the best treatment option....
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By 29 Dec
Depending on the type and severity of your corn, your podiatrist might recommend: Shaving: Removing the thickened layers of skin with a scalpel or blade. Paring: Gradually removing the hardened skin with a sharp instrument. Punch excision: Removing the entire corn, including its root, with…...
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By 29 Dec
Most corn removal procedures are minimally invasive and involve local anesthesia. You might experience some discomfort afterwards, but it's usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medication....
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By 29 Dec
Recovery time depends on the type of procedure you have. For simple shaving or paring, you might be back on your feet the same day. More complex procedures like punch excision might require a few days of rest and wearing…...
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By 29 Dec
Wearing well-fitting shoes, minimizing repetitive pressure on your feet, and maintaining good foot hygiene are key! If bone misalignment plays a role, consult your podiatrist about orthotics or other preventive measures....
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By 29 Dec
Soaking your feet, using pumice stones, and applying moisturizing creams can help soften mild corns and prevent them from getting worse. However, avoid using harsh chemicals or cutting corns yourself, as this can lead to infection....
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By 29 Dec
For simple procedures, gentle walking is usually okay. However, follow your podiatrist's specific instructions regarding weight bearing and activity restrictions after surgery....
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