Vaser Liposuction

Vaser Liposuction


Liposuction is a procedure of extracting unwanted fat cells from the body. This cosmetic procedure is usually done on the areas where there are stubborn fat cell deposits like areas of the thighs, hips, tummy & arms & many more.

Vaser liposuction is a type of liposuction that contours the body parts by breaking the fat cells and loosening them so that they can be deeply extracted with less damage. VASER stands for its acronym of Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance.

People generally avail traditional liposuction to ‘lose weight’ but Vaser liposuction is carried on an ideal weight person who wants to remove unwanted fat from certain parts of the body. People prefer Vaser Liposuction to make their particular body part look aesthetically well by extracting fatty deposits, for body sculpting & contouring. 

About Vaser Liposuction treatment.

It is a minimally invasive form of liposuction that works with ultrasound waves to break the fat cells & destroy the deposits. This ultrasonic energy generates heat that breaks the cells & liquifies them further for easier extraction. Once the cells are damaged, the skin surgeon can remove these liquified fatty cells through the suction process giving a person the desired smooth & contoured look.  

Vaser Liposuction requires gentle & extreme precision to remove the cells. It disrupts the connection of fatty cells & muscles in a way that does not affect the healthy tissues underlying the skin. It is purely a cosmetic treatment & doesn’t remove the visceral fat that is wrapped around the body. 

During the procedure, you’ll be under general anesthesia called conscious sedation. And the area of treatment will be injected with a saline solution mixed with anesthetics. Since the procedure uses ultrasound high-frequency, VASER ultrasonic probes will be inserted with a help of a small incision to break the fatty tissues. 

Then using a cannula, the broken fatty tissues & some fluid will be vacuumed out of the body. The anesthetics remain in the area that helps in the post-procedural pain. 

For the 1st time in South Gujarat, the technology used for Vaser Liposuction is power asserted with laser liposuction and an ultrasonic system is available at Sakhiya Skin Clinic. Some common areas that can be treated with Vaser Liposuction are-

– Arms & Chest

– Chin and Neck

– 6 packs

– Lovehandle

– Waistline and Stomach

– Thighs, Knees & Ankles

– Buttocks & Hips


Who all can have Vaser liposuction?

– It is suitable for both men & women.

– The person should be in its ideal weight & more or less must be healthy.

– Suitable for those who want some definition on their body pat without weight loss.

– Ideal for those who want to lose few inches following natural weight loss

– To tighten the loose skin following a post-bariatric, loose skin.

Who are not eligible for Vaser Liposuction?

Those who don’t have a healthy lifestyle or are obese and have medical history are typically not eligible for the treatment. Also, those who are on high medication, drugs, or have smoking habits should avoid the procedure. 

Advantages of Vaser Liposuction technology.

Being a minimal-invasive procedure, it has more advantages over traditional liposuction. 

Some of them are –

– Speedy. The procedure is comparatively speedy & quick. You would be able to go back to your home right after the treatment in a majority of cases.

– Efficient & Specific Fat Targeting. Ultrasonic energy especially targets the fatty tissues which need to be treated & hence does not affect the adjoining tissues.

– Cellulite Removal. Unlike other methods of liposuction, Vaser can specifically target & remove cellulite areas.

– Fast recovery time. Post the treatment, you would be able to resume your daily activity within 2-3 days depending on the treatment. Your medical specialists will suggest the time to begin your normal routine. 

– Small Incision & No Scar. The utmost advantage of this procedure is that it uses a minimal incision that leaves a minor scar where stitches are not required. Along with this, it is less traumatic & causes no bleeding or bruising as compared to traditional liposuction. 

VASER is considered the safest machine for liposuction. People have witnessed the immediate results although the area might seem little swelled for some time. The considerable results are visible in 2-3 months & within 6 months the area of treatment will be completely tightened. All this may vary depending on the type & area of treatment. 

If you aren’t maintaining a healthy lifestyle of proper diet & exercise, you are likely to regain the fats. Hence, even though you are undergoing Vaser Liposuction, it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle then only the results will last longer.